Roving Roosters of San Jose


Photo Of an RV Outing 

Sponsor: SIR Branch 21



The Roving Roosters of SIR Branch 21 are primarily members of SIR Branch 21 and their spouses, but there are also members from several other branches in the San Jose Area.  Other SIR members are welcome and encouraged to join. 


The club has six regular outings and other activities during each calendar year.  Each outing is scheduled, organized and coordinated by a wagon master and supporting committee members.  Typically, each regular outing lasts 4 days, but informal outings to Arizona, Mexico, or Southern California can vary from 1 to 3 weeks. In June we have an informal outing to Northern California or Nevada for 3 or 4 days. Attendance at each outing typically consists of 15 to 30 rigs.   


Activities include, but are not limited to, the following:


Group meals, sometimes catered, sometimes group visits to local restaurants, sometimes prepared by the wagon master and committee members and potlucks.


We have a happy hour each day.


Tours of local attractions, parks, historical sights, wine tasting, etc. are also explored.


Golf:  Typically golf games are scheduled during an outing and are played on local courses near the destination RV Park.


Games:  Table games, card games, horseshoes, putting, shuffleboard, board games, outdoor games, washer toss, bocce ball, bolero, etc.  Post dinner evening game sessions is common.


Monthly the ladies (known as the chicks) put on a lunch for current and ex-roosters (the out-to-lunch bunch).





President: Richard Stewart, Branch 21, Phone (408) 262-4734;


Outing Schedule